Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) & Wildlife Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA) 

invites you for EEASA’s 41st Conference held face to face at  

Glenburn Lodge, South Africa 

Education, Advocacy and Actions to Advance ESD in Southern Africa 

The Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) in collaboration with WESSA invites you to the 41st Annual Conference to be held in Gauteng, South Africa from 18th to 22nd September, 2023. Educators, researchers, students, practitioners, NGO’s and supporters of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have submitted abstracts for oral presentations, workshops and posters . The Conference will be held under the theme: “Education, Advocacy and Actions to Advance ESD in Southern Africa.”  Education is a key process that can lead to change towards sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) builds the capacity of individuals, communities and society as a whole to make informed judgements and choices in favour of sustainable development. ESD is not only about teaching the subjects relevant to sustainable development, but it is also about participatory, transformative learning processes that strengthen agency for change. Introduction of ESD at national and local levels is a complex and evolving process that often challenges and works to transform existing approaches to education. (UNESCO)

The overall theme for the conference emphasises the need for all practitioners, academics and policy makers to go beyond questioning and assessing current practices, and how we frame our responses to the environmental crisis. It represents a call for strengthening sustainable development through capacity building, training and continuing professional development in formal, non-formal and informal learning settings. It advocates for the integration of ESD into existing policy, regulatory and operational frameworks through multi-sector approaches, coordination and leadership. It aims to promote research and development of ESD at a national and regional level and strengthen regional knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation and Forge partnerships and networks to promote sustainable sharing of ESD resources in support of the active engagement of youth and communities in ESD practice and action for change. It is a call for extracting appropriate lessons from past and present practices that can be projected forward in further development of ESD in our region and beyond especially in the light of “out with the old and in with the new” hegemony (e.g. the debate around the relevance of awareness raising). The theme acknowledges the holistic approach to EE/ESD in a world where ‘sustainability’ sometimes takes superficial definitions.

Education is a key process that can lead to change towards sustainable development. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) builds the capacity of individuals, communities and society as a whole to make informed judgements and choices in favour of sustainable development. ESD is not only about teaching the subjects relevant to sustainable development, but it is also about participatory, transformative learning processes that strengthen agency for change. Introduction of ESD at national and local levels is a complex and evolving process that often challenges and works to transform existing approaches to education. The theme therefore underscores the challenges and successes in the work that has been developed over the last 41 years of EE/ESD.

The goal of the 2023 EEASA Conference is to host an accessible event that provides a dynamic platform for all delegates from all over the globe to share innovative, ground-breaking research, projects and programmes in the environmental education and training sector in Southern Africa.

The Conference’s objectives are:

  • to exchange information on current trends in EE/ESD amongst all delegates from highly respected and recognised keynote speakers to enthusiastic youth and dedicated school teachers in order to achieve transformative environmental learning;

  • to showcase local / regional projects and programmes;

  • to promote both academic and popular writing about local and regional EE/ESD developments, practices and approaches;

  • to promote dialogue and exchange of information using all technologies available e.g. twitter, Facebook, blogs, Instagram, whatsapp etc., that will reduce the use if paper for the Conference, whilst speeding up communications ;

  • to offer a “green” conference that epitomises “green living” in as many inclusive, viable and meaningful ways as possible;

  • to provide a learning and sharing platform for all delegates that leads to the formation of a network of dedicated and committed citizens, promoting sustainable living in their own environments after attending this Conference – a “take home” message or mantra

This years host organisation WESSA has a rich and long history in the conceptualisation, transformation, and implementation of Environmental Education (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Southern Africa. WESSA will celebrate 20 years of implementing the international Eco-Schools Programme in South Africa this year, puts us in a unique position to host the 2023 Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) Conference.


For any queries with the above, please email: admin@eeasa.org.za